Wycombe Philharmonic Sheet Music Hire

Terms and Conditions

You will receive a copy of these Terms and Conditions with the Hire Request Form and Lending Agreement when our Music Library Team respond to your enquiry.

For hiring copies of music from Wycombe Philharmonic Choir
Both internally and externally
See Lending Agreement which accompanies this document.
  1. The charge for borrowing up to 40 copies for 4 months is £24.00 + postage and packing. Otherwise, price on application.
  1. An invoice will be drawn up by our Treasurer, who deals with the electronic banking details and cheques, and will raise any paperwork required.
  1. While accepting reasonable wear and tear, damaged copies that are judged unsuitable for further hiring use will be charged at current replacement costs. Alternatively, a new copy provided by the borrower will be acceptable.
  1. We cannot accept photocopies in lieu of lost copies.
  1. Do not try to repair scores with sticky tape or staples. This may cause further damage.
  1. Do not deface or mark copies with felt tip pen, biro or permanent marker, or punch holes in the music. Please use soft pencil only to mark scores, ideally B or 2B pencils, and rub out gently. Pencil markings should be erased before returning the music scores to us.
  1. Do not re-number copies or remove our numbers from the front page, or fold down corners.
  1. It will be your responsibility to return the copies to us. If you need an extension of the loan, please advise us as soon as possible. This will be considered positively provided there are no further reservations for these copies.
  1. Please allow us at least two weeks’ notice to organise the music request. There will be some leniency in cases of emergency.

Your cooperation in following these guidelines will enable us to provide the best possible service to you.

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Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Wycombe Philharmonic Choir